Net Change-100%0.0%100%200%300%400%500%600%700%800%900%1000%1100%1200%1300%1400%20142016201820202022EMCLOUDS&P 500NASDAQDow Jones
Listed as EMCLOUD, the BVP Nasdaq Emerging Cloud Index is designed to track the performance of emerging public companies primarily involved in providing cloud software to their customers.
Dive into the index and the metrics that matter
Key Cloud Index Metrics
0x2x4x6x8x10x12x14x16x18x20x22x24x26x20142016201820202022MedianTop QuartileBottom Quartile
Note: Numbers are approximate prior to 2018 and Reflect the BVP Cloud Index. Beginning in November of 2018, the numbers reflect the BVP NASDAQ Emerging Cloud Index (EMCLOUD).
See interactive charts comparing the EMCLOUD companies
Note: FCF is calculated as Cash from Operations minus CAPEX.The information set forth in the BVP Nasdaq Emerging Cloud Index is provided for informational and discussion purposes only and is not intended to be, and shall not be regarded or construed as, a recommendation for a transaction or investment or financial, tax, investment or other advice of any kind by Bessemer Venture Partners. Bessemer Venture Partners makes no warranty or representation regarding any such information or the data presented in such materials. Bessemer Venture Partners and/or pooled investment vehicles which it manages, and individuals and entities affiliated with such vehicles, may purchase, sell or hold securities of issuers that are constituents of the BVP Nasdaq Emerging Cloud Index from time to time and at any time, including in advance of or following an issuer being added to or removed from the BVP Nasdaq Emerging Cloud Index.For complete index information including methodology, visit NASDAQ.