Frontier PodcastIan Cassel
Date Consumed
October 30, 2021
Count (Month)
Oct 31, 2021 3:26 AM
Last Edited
Dec 9, 2021 8:00 PM
Favorite findings: things that are in a tailwind + things that are scarce, ideally with only 1-2 companies providing the good/service.
(See ASX-listed Altzheimers medical device/diagnostic company — AXS:CGS).
Main filters:
- Business that can grow through a recession
- Business that has a balance sheet that could weather a storm and act with occasional boldness...ideally being very active when competitors are not
- Leadership team and organization that show the signs of intelligent fanaticism
- Business valuation that would enabling conservatively doubling money in three years (25%+ CAGR)